The pyramid shaped computer worm in the picture below, suggests that it is a computer worm created by the elites. The rebels in Libya have outside support right now. The card below is called Revolution!, the writing on it says, "The rebels are in the hills! They have outside support!". When the mask is removed, people see the real world. This death mask represents the bodie's face and when it's worn, people see a world that's different from reality. and when the mask is removed, the different world is the true one". This card says, "Whoever wears it can see a slightly different world through its staring eyeholes. This is the most important card in this game, even if most people who go on about the Illuminati Card Game can't recognize its significance.

The name, "The Grand Chessboard", is saying that this agenda is a game. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who's a major thinker in the American political system, wrote a book called The Grand Chessboard, which predicted a major attack that would give the government and exchuse to invade other countries. This world is a game to the elites and that is why they show their agenda in a card game.
The name of these cards and the name of the creators website,, is pretty blatant. Some of these cards predict major events, but a lot of them are a commentary on society. This card game was made in 1995, by Steve Jackson and it has consistently predicted events accurately again and again.