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Parajuli in nepali unicode

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(Still relevant)Ĩ nations have suspended Covid-19 vaccines for younger age groups due to risk of heart attacks.Īll four with the Omicron covid variant in South Africa were fully vaccinated So sad to see little girl suffer like this Let's discuss about Football a.k.a Soccer Scam advisory - Please be educated about scams

parajuli in nepali unicode

Within last 90 days Recommended Popular Threads It enables an individual to actually reach the ultimate not like the Christian and Muslim religion which simply cares if people are following books written thousands of years ago to the dot. In the end I have to say Hindu Dharma is simply great. Today because of mobility enabled by modern technology people have much better grasp of the ideas of humanity and besides you would rather marry an educated person who is equal to you than another who cares least about it. Specially in the 21st century the cast system has lost its relevance. In today's society it is foolish to give much credence to the cast system because of huge societal changes that have happened in the thousands of years. Rishi Valmiki the original composer of Ramayana came from a tribal family of traditional hunters and there are many other examples from the historical books. Sage Vyasa, the original author of the Mahabharata, was born to a fisherwoman. It is NOT a fact that learned people(Brahmins) kept education as their rights and assets. This was a protection in a society where mechanism of intellectual property protection was not available. We know that Newars in Kathmandu kept their art of making some items a family secret much like the patent in today's world.

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The job market since around 17th century has really exploded and we are thinking on these terms. It was not like today that a person can do various jobs and make decent living.


There were rulers, Learned (philosophical), business(traders who brought goods from one place to another or manual manufacturing) and service people(who were laborers carrying goods and other services). One of them is that at that time there was not a social mobility as it is today.

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However there does exist There could have been various motives. Magorkhe1, You said "Hindukush's learned people who kept education as their rights and assets." which is factually incorrect which today is a common interpretation of the actions of the people who lived more than 3000 years ago. However, castewise khatri and hamals fall into chhetri category. Beside these two, khatri (offsprings of a bahun man and a chhetri woman) and Hamal (child of a bahun man and a thakuri woman) have the same bahun surnames. Upadhyaya are regarded as purer and permitted to practise karmakand while jaisi, descendants of a upadhyaya bahun and a widow woman, are believed to be degraded and are not permitted to practise karmakand.īoth jaisi and upadhyaya have common surnames. Upadhyaya and jaisi are two ranks in both bahuns. They are resident of eastern and mid regions of nepal. Most of the common bahun surnames like dahal, khanal, bhattarai, koirala, subedi, ghimire etc fall on this category. There are plenty of kumai bahuns in wester part of nepal and jhapa.Ģ. Surnames: prasai, bhetwal, regmi, lohani, bista, bhatta, panta, kharel, sitaula, sedhai, upreti, oli, Sangraula, Mainali, shiwakoti, etc. Kumai: they hail from kumaon and garwhal area of nowadays india. As far as I know, there are two categories of bahuns in Nepal.

Parajuli in nepali unicode